When you're in a class with other students, especially at a college level, you tend to learn that no two people are alike. We are all different in so many ways. We all have our own ideas, likes and dislikes, backgrounds, and learning styles. Since were generally working independently, no two styles or projects should be the same. In fact, we all have the same guidelines and requirements, but you can tell by each of our sites and boards that we have different interests, passions, views, and styles of work.
I learned some really interesting facts about many different subjects and appreciated their view on them. I could tell, along with my sites, that they were coming from a place of personal interest, and I appreciate that. I preferred to view the boards that didn't correlate with the sites as it was another opportunity for me to learn in which I did. I didn't find much interest in the site that was about a coffee maker, even though the site is super clean, modern, and eye-catching, as it's not something that interests me; However, the board created by that same classmate kept my attention and had nothing to do with her site. I'm a partially biased learner in that I love to learn about women in history so those were the most enjoyable topics for me. I liked the board a classmate did in regard to a city as opposed to the site of the city because it was much easier for me to see the images more clearly and personal- this goes vice versa for the site about the women in war.
Overall, we are all learning, and I think we have a new appreciation to what goes into making our own websites and boards. There tends to be a disconnect when looking on the internet about what's behind the basics of what you're viewing without even knowing it. I know now that there is plenty going into creating a website, blog, or board and that alone gives me a new outlook and appreciation. I've had to alter themes, colors, fonts, pictures to fit certain spaces, and verify copyright to be sure I'm not breaking any laws on the web. I'd say, we have all done a great job with the tools and knowledge we've been given in such a short period of time, and we will do nothing but get better as we go.
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